Opening Paragraph makes the text larger. It is meant to be used for one or two sentences at most. If it is larger, it loses its impact.

I am an Announcement

This is the announcement blurb. I get used when there is something timely and important that needs to be communicated on the page. I should not be used as a permanent fixture on the page. The short the content of your announcement, the more likely it will be read.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam lacus purus, interdum quis quam ac, egestas mollis velit. Donec nisi diam, maximus cursus mattis id, egestas vel mauris. 

Example Button

Event Schedule

You can use this to manually list out items for an event, including multi-day events. This is designed to be flexible to accommodate any many event types as possible, though it does require you to do all the set up work.


Day One  

Kitchen Table


A little late, but still tasty.

Athletic Fields

A close up of two women playing in a varsity soccer game on the Middlebury field.
Choose from 31 varsity sports or a host of intramural and club opportunities. Middlebury is a member of the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) and has celebrated numerous NCAA championships.

Soccer Game


Day Two  

Old Chapel

Closing Ceremony

Wrapping things up.

Frequently Asked Questions


Here’s an answer.


This question has been updated.


We don’t have all the answers.

This page contain dummy content that uses every element available in the text component. This will show simple text, emphasis styles, headings, tables, and lists. Note that you can not place an image within a text component. You will need to sue the image component to add an image to your page.

Text Styles

H2 Heading I am a headline, hear me roar

H3 Heading

H4 Heading

H5 Heading
H6 Heading

Paragraph, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, strong consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a link lectus euismod accumsan nisi vel, accumsan mauris. In commodo strikethrough maximus tempor vivamus rhoncus. semper nulla in aliquet. Donec tempor orci orci, emphasis vitae fringilla felis porta a. Aenean posuere vestibulum ante, non underline viverra neque pharetra sed.

Blockquote mauris porttitor volutpat lacus id ornare. Nam tristique ante purus, eget convallis nulla molestie at. Aliquam citation of creative work here landit dui turpis, et interdum elit lobortis in. Nam non leo in tellus suscipit efficitur.

Mauris tincidunt, tortor interdum superscript fringilla convallis, massa elit vehicula velit, vitae accumsan subscript eros nulla quis erat. Q element denoting an inline quote. Proin egestas nisl eu nisl dictum, eget ABBR molestie purus placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque lobortis nisl.

This is our address block. You can contact us at:

Two breaks tags made that space happen.

Email us at:

You may also want to visit us:

Some Place

1981 Landings Drive

Building K

Our Town, CA 55555


Congue nulla. Sed nec ultrices lorem, ut suscipit dui. Vestibulum facilisis turpis nec purus fringilla, non aliquet erat sollicitudin. Duis at tellus erat. Nulla facilisi.

Suspendisse sit amet risus vitae lorem placerat tempus. Morbi interdum est vitae ex sagittis scelerisque. Vestibulum eget felis sodales, suscipit tellus et, venenatis ex. Quisque tempus, tellus eu tempor dapibus, elit metus porta est, eu posuere dolor risus sed purus. Quisque accumsan, metus ut lobortis sodales, felis metus dapibus velit, in cursus purus velit eu ante. Phasellus erat tortor, feugiat nec interdum non, mollis a neque. Nam iaculis placerat sapien, non pellentesque est lacinia nec. Nulla id vestibulum felis, id accumsan velit. Nullam vitae venenatis tortor. Vestibulum suscipit luctus nibh ac mattis.

Example H3 Heading

Mauris tincidunt, tortor interdum superscript fringilla convallis, massa elit vehicula velit, vitae accumsan subscript eros nulla quis erat. Q element denoting an inline quote. Proin egestas nisl eu nisl dictum, eget ABBR molestie purus placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque lobortis nisl.

Example H3 Heading

Mauris tincidunt, tortor interdum superscript fringilla convallis, massa elit vehicula velit, vitae accumsan subscript eros nulla quis erat. Q element denoting an inline quote. Proin egestas nisl eu nisl dictum, eget ABBR molestie purus placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque lobortis nisl.

Mauris tincidunt, tortor interdum superscript fringilla convallis, massa elit vehicula velit, vitae accumsan subscript eros nulla quis erat. Q element denoting an inline quote. Proin egestas nisl eu nisl dictum, eget ABBR molestie purus placerat. Pellentesque scelerisque lobortis nisl.

List Styles

  • Unordered list viverra elit mattis eget.
  • Nunc mollis, tellus tempus egestas volutpat.
  • Nested unordered list
    • Unordered list viverra elit mattis eget.
    • Nunc mollis, tellus tempus egestas volutpat.
    • Gravida libero, vel pharetra lectus.
    • Justo iaculis nulla. Morbi lacinia a est eu venenatis.
  • Gravida libero, vel pharetra lectus.
  • Justo iaculis nulla. Morbi lacinia a est eu venenatis.

Donec congue ex et felis consequat elementum. Nunc et bibendum velit. Curabitur nec nisi sit amet nunc pharetra rutrum ac sed justo.

  1. Ordered list viverra elit mattis eget.
  2. Nunc mollis, tellus tempus egestas volutpat.
  3. Nested ordered list
    1. Ordered list viverra elit mattis eget.
    2. Nunc mollis, tellus tempus egestas volutpat.
    3. Gravida libero, vel pharetra lectus.
    4. Justo iaculis nulla. Morbi lacinia a est eu venenatis.
  4. Gravida libero, vel pharetra lectus.
  5. Justo iaculis nulla. Morbi lacinia a est eu venenatis.

Proin ullamcorper gravida tincidunt. Ut mi justo, hendrerit et elementum blandit, fringilla sed nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Definition term 1
Definition data, vivamus est ex, sagittis ut massa a, malesuada fermentum diam.
Definition term 2
Definition data, vivamus est ex, sagittis ut massa a, malesuada fermentum diam.
Definition term 3
Definition data, vivamus est ex, sagittis ut massa a, malesuada fermentum diam.
Definition term 4
Definition data, vivamus est ex, sagittis ut massa a, malesuada fermentum diam.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque ornare lectus et ex semper, gravida pulvinar lectus lobortis. Ut vel scelerisque purus

Table Styles

Simple table with header
First name Last name
John Doe
Jane Doe
Table with thead, tfoot, and tbody
Header content 1 Header content 2
Body content 1 Body content 2
Footer content 1 Footer content 2
Table with colgroup
Countries Capitals Population Language
USA Washington D.C. 309 million English
Sweden Stockholm 9 million Swedish
Table with colgroup and col
Lime Lemon Orange
Green Yellow Orange

Two Column Text

Example blurb here. Sed finibus pretium leo, vel facilisis enim pharetra facilisis.

Column A, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu quam eu ipsum consequat placerat. Nunc feugiat dui et massa vehicula, eget consectetur quam2 pulvinar. Quisque vel tellus varius, efficitur nisi eget, interdum nibh. Proin mattis ante neque, eget vestibulum risus tincidunt vel. Duis tempus nec est id ornare. Donec aliquam4 semper dui a cursus. Sed finibus pretium leo, vel facilisis enim pharetra facilisis. Morbi cursus libero sit amet velit commodo venenatis. 

Column B, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu quam eu ipsum consequat placerat. Nunc feugiat dui et massa vehicula, eget consectetur quam2 pulvinar. Quisque vel tellus varius, efficitur nisi eget, interdum nibh. Proin mattis ante neque, eget vestibulum risus tincidunt vel. Duis tempus nec est id ornare. Donec aliquam4 semper dui a cursus. Sed finibus pretium leo, vel facilisis enim pharetra facilisis. Morbi cursus libero sit amet velit commodo venenatis. 

John Elder on Robert Frost's Chair

This has nothing to do with the story, but is an audio clip where we own the copyright.

Transcript goes here.

Above is a ‘Basic’ chart.

$1000000!! This is a 'Big Number' Chart

Algeria; Antigua & Barbuda; Australia; Barbados; Cameroon; Cayman Islands; Chad; Comoros; Congo - Kinshasa; Cyprus; Djibouti; French Polynesia; Gabon; Ghana; Gibraltar; Grenada; Ireland; Jordan; Kiribati; Latvia; Lesotho; Liechtenstein; Madagascar; Malaysia; Maldives; Namibia; Nauru; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Niue; Réunion; Russia; Rwanda; Spain; Sri Lanka; St. Barthélemy; Sudan; Suriname; Sweden; Syria; Togo; Tonga; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay

Chart Group

1 The Number 1
9876 A larger number
3.1415 Delicious
A group of students having a conversation
I am a caption (Credit: Photo by Person )

From Middlebury to the World and Back Again

Midd2Midd mentoring gives current students the career support and life guidance they want—and offers alums a rewarding and meaningful way to give back to Middlebury.

I think an alumni mentor has a lot of value. Knowing that they’re an alumni brings a sense of camaraderie whether it be having them recommend me or having them open doors for me that I couldn’t open on my own. They see you as from like a very objective standpoint as someone who wants to see you succeed in every way.

The role of a good mentor is to provide guidance. I’d like to distinguish the role of a good mentor versus a great mentor, which I think provides the same but surrounds it with helpful encouragement.

The key from both sides and a mentor mentee relationship Is good communication. A mentor is gonna be more successful if the mentee is forthcoming so that the guidance that’s forthcoming is as valuable as it could be.

Working with alumni who have been through the school and have been on the academic side and understand what that entails. But also be able to understand how they went from being here in the middle of Middlebury to being somewhere else in the world.

Part of it is just taking the time to get to know each other on a human level before you worry too much about, I wanna do this job or I need this advice.

It really meant so much to me to receive this kind of guidance and support. I really love the Middlebury network, I plan on taking full advantage of it for the rest of my time here. I think that’s one of the most defined traits of Middlebury that makes it so special.

Middlebury offers this incredible opportunity to look at the world, we get to zoom-out a little bit whereas much of our life probably feels very detailed. But it’s those zoom-out moments that kind of give you the 80,000-foot view that then you can start to kind of chart what’s next in your life.

When I think about my transitions from, let’s say entertainment over to marketing, I don’t think I would have been able to do that if it weren’t for the mentors throughout my life. And now I’m able to take those relationships and help other people and bring them along. And that’s the really rewarding part about mentoring is like you get to open up these doors for other people behind you.

Curated Event Calendar List

More Workshops
  • How to Make Good Decisions: A Hands-on Workshop

    Join Grace O’Dell for a workshop on planning and decision-making. Learn more about how to leverage your core values, priorities, and passions to strengthen your decision making in this intensive, hands-on workshop. Uncover your passions to set goals, develop good habits, and take charge over your semester and year ahead. Refreshments will be provided for those attending in-person. Learn more and sign up here at

    Morse B104

    Closed to the Public

  • Jazz Workshop

    A weekly Music Department session devoted to learning and playing jazz. For info, please contact Dick Forman -

    Mahaney Arts Center 221

    Closed to the Public

  • Workshop with Renee Wells, Part 3: Responding to Harm: Fostering a Culture of Accountability within Communities

    Harm happens in every community, usually unintentionally. Each of us causes harm and experiences harm. We also witness harm in a wide variety of contexts. Being able to take accountability when we cause harm and to speak up when we witness harm is critical to creating a community culture that aspires to increase inclusion and belonging. This workshop will provide an opportunity to increase our capacity to recognize harm when it happens and to engage in a way that is responsive to its impact, both as witnesses to harm and as individuals who cause it.

    Virtual MIIS

    Closed to the Public

Latest News

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This will list stories posted on this site.

RSS Feed: Middlebury News

Card Carousel

Undergraduate Application Information

Learn more about Middlebury’s Undergraduate Admissions process.

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Language School Application Information

Learn more about the application process for Middlebury’s Language Schools.

Application Information

Middlebury Schools Abroad

Our study abroad program can take you all over the world.

Get Started

Middlebury Institute of International Studies

Middlebury offers graduate degrees at our school in Monterey, CA.

Graduate Programs
A view of the Green Mountains from campus in the spring.

This is the title of a Mega CTA

This is the blurb of a Mega CTA

Link Text

Profiles: Meet Our Team

Ezra Brainerd


8th President of Middlebury College

Warner Hall
Office Hours:

This is the Title for a Quad Story Feature

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    Story one

    Story one title

    Link text
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    Story two

    Story two title

    Link text
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    Story three

    Story three title

    Link text
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    Story four

    Story four title

    Link text
Monterey Cypress

Spotlight Component

This is the body copy for a Spotlight component. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Oceanside city with mountains in background and boats in water.

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam lacus purus, interdum quis quam ac, egestas mollis velit. Donec nisi diam, maximus cursus mattis id, egestas vel mauris. Phasellus a fringilla sapien. Morbi non risus ornare urna scelerisque dignissim. Donec in tempor sem. Aliquam tempor justo vel turpis venenatis, quis pharetra neque accumsan. 

Statistic Block Example

of statistics are made up
Button for More Info
Lillypads in a pond in Oxford England

This is the Themed Panel title

Here is the title for your main story.

This is the blurb for your first story or information and informs the reader what they will learn about by clicking the link. You may add up to four stories.

Video Group

You can add a blurb to the video group.

The Collinwood Fire

Test Blurb

Your transcript needs to go here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ultricies arcu et ultricies feugiat. Nulla feugiat accumsan tortor, non ultrices ipsum pulvinar sit amet. Nullam sapien elit, commodo id nisi sit amet, convallis porta nisi. Fusce mauris mauris, tincidunt vel cursus non, scelerisque at justo. Pellentesque eget nisl eget massa hendrerit sagittis at ultricies libero. Quisque justo orci, egestas sed velit et, auctor fermentum augue. Praesent elementum orci ullamcorper, interdum quam dapibus, lacinia mi. Quisque ex mi, pellentesque in blandit at, condimentum nec urna.

Donec id elit at nunc sollicitudin aliquet blandit ut nisl. Proin mattis ipsum massa, sit amet venenatis orci interdum sit amet. Nulla quis ante nisl. Nullam sit amet sollicitudin lorem, eu tincidunt nunc. Pellentesque tellus tortor, tristique at molestie molestie, fermentum quis nisi. Fusce ornare quam sit amet velit imperdiet, non condimentum massa fringilla. Nunc consequat finibus diam, nec tempus orci. Morbi ornare odio et dui commodo porttitor. Quisque euismod leo tempus, tincidunt ex at, bibendum massa. Vivamus sollicitudin nibh vel turpis sollicitudin rutrum. Nunc elit ligula, aliquet sit amet condimentum sit amet, ultricies eget purus. Integer bibendum dui nulla, ac hendrerit turpis porta nec.

Ezra's Expertise