For every future

For every student who’s pursuing meaningful work in the world.

For every alum, parent, and friend who sees the value in supporting

This next generation.

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What’s in a name? What “For Every Future” means to me.

Anne Davis Peterson: For Every Future at Middlebury means to me that every student that is admissible to Middlebury, we’re thinking about how they access Middlebury, we’re thinking about their academic experience and providing the best that we can provide.

Koby Altman: This campaign is really important for the future of Middlebury. It talks about our national presence. I think about our global presence, our reputation, our positional power as an institution, and how we position our students, and having them ready and prepared to be future leaders in this world, to take on really difficult challenges.

George C. Lee: The campaign speaks to a school that is forward-leaning, that is both grounded in tradition, but striving to be relevant and salient to the future. So For Every Future speaks to that. It’s a place where opportunity and access and breadth of that and having a student body that reflects all the dimensions of world society is critical and one of our signal strengths.

Churchill G. Franklin: I have a strong belief that the world evolves constantly and the pace of change in the world is escalating. Pace of change in higher ed is escalating. The students we’re attracting is changing dramatically. And so For Every Future feels to me like to be ready for whatever the future holds, because the world’s changing fast.

Janet Halstead Franklin: For Every Future, for me, echoing Churchill. But it just means really that, for everybody. It’s not just for a few. And that’s what the campaign is trying to do by creating more access to more students everywhere. That’s what we want.

Koby Altman: It also speaks to the sense of creativity that lies at the heart of Middlebury, the imagination inherent in trying to project where the world’s going, how we as alumni, as students can be of service and drive that forward.

Parker Harris III: Well, what I love about for the future is it’s thinking about the lifespan of the relationship with the students. So it’s bringing in students of all backgrounds. And then making sure as they leave Middlebury, that we help them with internships and preparation for the workplace, which I think is a huge addition to Middlebury.

Anne Davis Peterson: We’re thinking about it for every student that is here with us, because we believe that this is a student-centered place.

William F. “Ted” Truscott: And we’re talking about everybody’s future. Anybody who can access Middlebury College, we want this to be about their future, how Middlebury College can help shape their future. And I just love the inclusiveness of that statement. It’s For Every Future, every person who comes here, it’s wonderful.

Hello, Denver!

Enjoy an inspiring evening of cocktails, conversation, and good food. Generously hosted by Cully Cavness ‘09 and Emily Núñez Cavness ‘12 at Crusoe Energy Offices.

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