Goal: $77.5 Million

Few investments influence the day-to-day of Middlebury more than Annual Fund gifts. These flexible, current-use dollars allow us to move quickly to develop new ideas and address urgent challenges. They support distinctive qualities of a Middlebury education: first-year seminars, winter term, study abroad, exceptional facilities, championship athletics. They enable us to keep our promise to meet 100 percent of every student’s demonstrated financial need. Every aspect of Middlebury—from recruiting exceptional new faculty and enhancing students’ global awareness, to providing services to the community and funding student initiatives—relies on annual giving.

Voices of Annual Giving

Annual giving makes students’ favorite Midd moments possible.

What was the high point of your Middlebury year?

Speaker 1:
I have to say, I think it’s been all those quiet moments with friends I get to spend with them, waking up early and seeing them at Ross in the morning, even just walking into town or getting a cup of tea. It’s those moments where I can just slow down and relax with them.

Speaker 2:
Working at the Knoll and getting my hands in the soil because I’m from New York City, so there are not a lot of green spaces.

Speaker 3:
I took a J-term course called the Trial of Jon Snow. And it was really, really interesting because we got to go through this real Vermont case, just kind of framed in the way of Game of Thrones.

Speaker 4:
I think my high point is days like this when everyone’s out on the quad and playing games.

Speaker 5:
Right now actually, I’m working on this final project for my first-year seminar, and it’s a creative project about just anything that happened over the year. And I’m writing a song with a friend.

Speaker 6:
The high point of my Middlebury year was definitely during J-term, where I tried so many things like figure skating, snowboarding. I’m from [inaudible 00:01:09], and it was also my first time seeing snow, so I was like, “This is the chance.”

What’s in a number? Annual giving adds up to the full Middlebury experience.

What’s in a number?
• 93%: 2022 graduates employed or pursuing graduate school
• Trees on campus: 136 species
• Time volunteered by students in the community: 85,000 hours
• Student come to Middlebury from 59 countries
• Maple syrup served in the dining halls: 1,200 gallons
• Classes cancelled due to weather: 0
• Students participating in varsity sports: 27%
• Applications for the Class of 2027: 13,297
It all adds up to one amazing Middlebury education!

Funding Priorities

  • Alumni Fund 
  • Parents’ Fund 
  • Middlebury Institute Annual Fund 
  • Language Schools Annual Fund 
  • Bread Loaf School of English Annual Fund

Your Impact

  • Natasha Woodworth ’11

    Funding Futures

    Annual giving powered the Middlebury career of Natasha Woodworth ’11. The studio art and English major and alpine skier then launched her own mountain biking apparel company.

  • Students inside the Mahaney Arts Center (MAC)

    Everything Everywhere at Midd

    Meet Middlebury students, five out of 2,800 whose lives are enriched and futures made possible by gifts to the Annual Fund from alumni, parents, and friends.

  • Choreographer Maia Sauer ’22 and a troupe of recent Midd grads

    Let’s Dance

    At Middlebury, Maia Sauer ’22 found the resources to develop her art. Now she and a recent troupe of graduates are navigating life as artists in New York.

Progress to $77.5 M Goal

As of