Everything Everywhere at Midd
Everything Everywhere at Midd

You can see the impact of annual giving everywhere at Middlebury. Every student’s experience—from move-in day to graduation—is touched by the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends. The voices of these five Middlebury students provide a glimpse into the lives enriched by Annual Fund gifts and the futures those gifts make possible.
What do you like most about Middlebury?

Hometown: Seneca Falls, New York
Major: Neuroscience
“Middlebury fosters such strong community. I love how I can walk around campus and recognize so many people. Also, the professors really care about their students, in and out of the classroom. Taking a variety of different courses, I’ve learned I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to.”
How have you grown since coming to Middlebury?

Hometown: Kigali, Rwanda
Major: International and Global Studies
“Middlebury was my first time in the U.S. and living thousands of miles away from my family. I learned to adapt to cultural differences, to be independent, and to be open and flexible. My experience at Middlebury has been a wonderful stepping stone toward building my personal identity, career aspirations, and life goals.”
What has been a highlight of your Middlebury experience?

Hometown: Concord, Massachusetts
Major: Sociology
“Creating the Middlebury club soccer team! In just three years, we’ve turned it into one of the biggest clubs on campus, with over 100 members. What I really cherish about this experience is that Middlebury gave us the resources and support to create and carve our own path, which shouldn’t be taken for granted. At big schools, creating a club like this in just a year is a near impossibility. In our first game we beat UVM, 2-1! They were shocked!”
What do you like most about Middlebury?

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Major: Spanish
“As a first-generation student, I found the idea of college daunting. But my professors, advisors, and mentors have been so supportive. I arrived at Middlebury insecure and unsure of who I was or what I wanted to get out of this opportunity. But thanks to my many experiences at Middlebury, I now understand my worth as a student, peer, and person.”
Who is your favorite professor?

Hometown: Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
Major: Math, Computer Science
“Professor Stephen Abbott (math). His dedication to students makes him stand out. He asks us to work hard and has a way of getting students excited. I’ve never had a professor be more available for office hours or show more dedication to helping students succeed.”