22 Items

Course Title Major/Minor Program Name Host University Country
Advanced Networks Structure and Dynamics of Computer Networks Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Algorithms & Data Structures Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Applied Cryptography Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Beginning Hungarian Language Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Combinatorial Optimization Mathematics Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Complex Functions Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Computer Graphics Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
COmputer Graphics and Image Processing Computer Science Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Cryptography Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Data Science Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Data Science Part 1 & 2 Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Discrete and Convex Geometry Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Game Theory Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Graph Theory Mathematics Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Graph Theory Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Introduction to Combinatorics Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Introduction to Topology Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Mobile Software Development Computer Science Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Non-Euclidean Geometries Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Semantic and Declarative Technologies Computer Science Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Set Theory Mathematics Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Theory of Computing Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary