55 Items

Course Title Major/Minor Program Name Host University Country
Advanced Algorithms I Computer Science University of Manchester England
Advanced Networks Structure and Dynamics of Computer Networks Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Algorithms & Data Structures Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Applied Cryptography Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Middlebury School in Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain
Artificial Intelligence Computer Science DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
Artificial Intelligence Methods Computer Science University of Nottingham England
Artificial Neural Networks Computer Science DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
Biologically Inspired COmputing Computer Science University of Oslo Norway
C++ Programming Computer Science University of Nottingham England
Computational Analysis of Big Data Computer Science DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
COmputer Architecture Computer Science Middlebury School in Chile Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
Computer Communication & Networks Computer Science University of Edinburgh Scotland
Computer Graphics Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Computer Graphics Computer Science Queen Mary, University of London England
COmputer Graphics and Image Processing Computer Science Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Computer Graphics: Programming Computer Science DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
COmputer Networks Computer Science University of Manchester England
Computer Security Computer Science University of Nottingham England
Cryptography Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Data Mining Part 1 & 2 Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Data Mining Parts 1 and 2 Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Data Science Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Data Science Part 1 & 2 Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Database Theory and Applications Computer Science University of Otago New Zealand
Databases Computer Science Middlebury School in Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Chile
Digital Media & Social Networks Computer Science Queen Mary, University of London England
Game Devlpmnt:Programming&Prac Computer Science DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
Graphical User Interfaces Computer Science Queen Mary, University of London England
Info Visualization Project Computer Science University of Nottingham England
Informatics 2 A Processing formal and natural languages Computer Science University of Edinburgh Scotland
Intro to Comparative Politics Computer Science University of Otago New Zealand
Machine Learning Molecular Bio Computer Science University of Helsinki Finland
Mobile Software Dev Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Mobile Software Dev Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Mobile Software Dev Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Mobile Software Development Computer Science Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Mobile Software Development Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Networking and Concurrency Computer Science University College London England
Object Oriented Programming and User Interfaces Computer Science University of Otago New Zealand
Operating Systems Computer Science Middlebury School in Chile Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
Operating Systems Computer Science CIEE Ireland
Physical Computing Computer Science Goldsmiths College England
Semantic and Declarative Technologies Computer Science Budapest Semester in Mathematics Hungary
Software Application Develpmen Computer Science University of Nottingham England
Software Construction Computer Science Middlebury School in Chile Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
Software Construction Computer Science Middlebury School in Chile Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
Software COnstruction Workshop Computer Science Middlebury School in Chile Universidad Austral de Chile Chile
Software Development and Quality Computer Science Queen Mary, University of London England
Software Technology Computer Science Middlebury School in Germany Freie Universitat Berlin Germany
Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Theory of Computing Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
Theory of Computing Computer Science University of Otago New Zealand
Theory of COmputing Computer Science Aquincum Inst of Technology Hungary
User Interfaces Computer Science Middlebury School in Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain