26 Items

Course Title Major/Minor Program Name Host University Country
Algebra: Rings & Fields Mathematics University of St. Andrews Scotland
Behavioural Economics Economics University of St. Andrews Scotland
British Economics & Environmental History Economics University of Edinburgh Scotland
British Economics & Environmental History Economics University of Edinburgh Scotland
Computer Communication & Networks Computer Science University of Edinburgh Scotland
Creative Writing Part 2 Prose English University of Edinburgh Scotland
Development, Inequality, Trade Economics University of Edinburgh Scotland
Early Modern Western World History University of St. Andrews Scotland
European Macroeconomics Economics University of St. Andrews Scotland
History of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh Scotland
Ice and Climate Geography University of Edinburgh Scotland
Informatics 2 A Processing formal and natural languages Computer Science University of Edinburgh Scotland
Intro History of Philosophy University of Edinburgh Scotland
Linguistics and English Language English University of Edinburgh Scotland
Literary Studies English University of Edinburgh Scotland
People, Landscape Change Geography University of Edinburgh Scotland
Probability Mathematics University of Edinburgh Scotland
Psychology of Music Psychology University of Edinburgh Scotland
Scotland, Britain & Empire History University of St. Andrews Scotland
Scottish Studies University of Edinburgh Scotland
Statistical Inference Mathematics University of St. Andrews Scotland
The Canterbury Tales English University of Edinburgh Scotland
The Country and City in Scottish Lit English University of St. Andrews Scotland
The Crusades & Medieval Society History University of Edinburgh Scotland
The History of Edinburgh History University of Edinburgh Scotland
Writing the Body, 1690-1800 English Trinity College Dublin Scotland