29 Items

Course Title Major/Minor Program Name Host University Country
Aesthetics Middlebury School in Italy Italy
Aesthetics & Philosophy of Art Middlebury School in Spain Universidad de Córdoba Spain
Ancient & Modern Philosophy Philosophy Middlebury School in France Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne France
CMRS Tutorial - Jurisprudence Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
CMRS Tutorial: Classical Philosophy Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
CMRS Tutorial: Epistemology Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
CMRS Tutorial: Philosophy of Language Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
CMRS Tutorial: Philosophy of Language Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
Comprehending the Holocaust UPCES Czech Republic
Environmental Philosophy DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
Epistemology Philosophy University of Oxford England
Esthetics and Philosophy of Art Middlebury School in Spain Universidad de Córdoba Spain
Ethical Issues Philosophy University of Otago New Zealand
Health Care Ethics University of Auckland New Zealand
Intro History of Philosophy University of Edinburgh Scotland
Jean, Jacques, Rousseau Environmental Studies Relig. Phil. & Envir Middlebury School in Germany Universität Potsdam Germany
Knowledge and Truth University of Otago New Zealand
Logics I Middlebury School in Brazil Universidade Federal Fluminense Brazil
M-CMRS Tutorial: Buddhism Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
M-CMRS Tutorial: Classical Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
M-CMRS Tutorial: Ethics Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford University of Oxford England
M-CMRS Tutorial: Philosophy of Religion Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford University of Oxford England
Metaphysics Philosophy Middlebury School in Chile Universidad de Concepcion Chile
Philosophy of Mind Philosophy University of Oxford England
Philosophy of Science Philosophy University of Oxford England
Political Philosophy I Philosophy Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
Practical Ethics Philosophy University of Oxford England
Revolutionaries in 19C Europe Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
The Big Questions London School of Economics England