19 Items

Course Title Major/Minor Program Name Host University Country
Coastal Studies Geography University of Canterbury New Zealand
Environmental Geography Environmental Studies Geography Oxford Univeristy/Worcester College England
Geo/Soilmorphology Geography Middlebury School in Germany Freie Universitat Berlin Germany
Geographic Data Science Environmental Studies Geography Oxford Univeristy/Worcester College England
Geography of Tourism Geography Middlebury School in Spain Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Spain
Getting There: Transportation in Europe Geography DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark
Historical Geography 1 & 2 Geography Trinity College Dublin Ireland
Ice and Climate Geography University of Edinburgh Scotland
Intro to Land Management Geography Middlebury School in Spain Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Spain
Jordanian Film & Songs Geography Middlebury School in Jordan Jordan
M-CMRS Tutorial: Human Geography Geography Middlebury-CMRS Oxford England
People, Landscape Change Geography University of Edinburgh Scotland
Regional Geography of Spain Geography Middlebury School in Spain Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Spain
Silk Roads Past/Present Geography Middlebury School in Germany Freie Universitat Berlin Germany
Space, Place & Society Environmental Studies Geography Oxford Univeristy/Worcester College England
The COuntryside in the World Geography Middlebury School in France Université Bordeaux 4 Montesquieu France
Transport & Mobility Environmental Studies Geography Oxford Univeristy/Worcester College England
Transport, Urban Dev, Wellbeing Geography University of Canterbury New Zealand
Urban Design Journal Geography DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia Denmark