Dr. Amy Smithson, senior fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — Chemical and biological weapons expert Dr. Amy Smithson, a senior fellow at the Monterey Institute’s James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, will speak at Middlebury on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 4:30 p.m.

Amy Smithson in recent national news coverage

New York Times – “Chemical Disarmament Hard Even in Peacetime

Wall Street Journal – “Dismantling Weapons Poses Logistics, Security Challenges

NPR - “Diplomatic Solution in Syria is Rife with Complication”

Her talk, “Chemical Weapons in Syria: A Bumpy Road to Elimination,” is presented by Middlebury’s Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs, and will take place at the Robert A. Jones ’59 House conference room.

Smithson, who chairs the World Economic Forum’s Global Affairs Council on Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons, is a highly-regarded expert who has appeared frequently before Congress and the national media. She has been in particularly high demand for news interviews since September when the international community struck a deal with Syria to avert U.S. missile attacks in exchange for destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons.

Following the lecture, Smithson will participate in a career conversation and dinner with students at the Brainerd Commons house.

For more information, contact Charlotte Tate at the Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs.