MIDDLEBURY, Vt. – In the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, Middlebury saw its endowment post a return on its investments of 16.5 percent. The annualized return over the past 10 years is 9.3 percent.

Middlebury’s one-year return exceeds the preliminary 2014 median investment return for all college and university endowments of 15.8 percent.

Thanks in part to the strong performance, the value of the endowment stood at $1.08 billion on July 1—up $113 million from a year earlier. The value of the endowment is determined by investment gains and losses plus new gifts, minus the annual payout to help fund the operations of the institution.

Last year the endowment contributed $53 million toward Middlebury’s $296 million operating budget.

“Our endowment performed very well in fiscal 2014 due to  a strong global equities market,” said Patrick Norton, vice president for finance and treasurer. “Our endowment management firm, Investure, did an excellent job. It’s also important to note the role our alumni, parents, and friends play in the overall growth of our endowment through their generous support of Middlebury.”