
Saturday, September 21, 2024

  • Model United Nations — CMUNNY

    The Columbia Model United Nations (CMUN) conference is an annual event hosted by the Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA) at Columbia University in New York City. The CMUN conference is one of the largest and most prestigious Model UN conferences in the United States

  • MiddMyco Meetings!

    Helloooo Mushroom lovers! Join MiddMyco for our Saturday meeting where we will talk everything mushroom related. All are welcome! We will be going on mushroom walks, enjoying nature and learning about fungi. 

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

  • Clifford Symposium: Brunch for Action

    Location: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

    Tom Morgan, Community Minister, CVUUS
    Jason Duquette-Hoffman, Middlebury College Center for Community Engagement

    Off Campus

  • Evolution Dance Crew Auditions

    Love to dance? Come try out for Evolution Dance Crew and join our community! All backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome :) Head to go/evofall24 for more info and to sign up! 

    Memorial Field House 3rd Floor Classroom

  • Gather: Radically Inclusive Christian Community

    For the Christian, Christian-curious, Christian-conflicted and anyone interested in exploring the
    deep places in loving community. Share a homemade meal of soup and bread over lightly-guided
    scripture readings, discussion and prayers.

    Interested but can’t attend? Email Prof. Mary Jane Simpson,

    Click here for more information.

    Charles P. Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life - 46 South Street

    Closed to the Public
  • Middlebury College Carillon Series: John Whiteside, Carillonneur, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Cohasset, MA

    As part of the Carillon Series’ Fall Festival, and in conjunction with the annual Clifford Symposium, John Whiteside will perform a beautiful concert from Middlebury Chapel’s bell tower. The melodic sounds of the carillon bells will ring out across the campus. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket! Free and open to the public.

    Click here for more information about the carillon series and to view programs for each concert.

    5:00 PM

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public

Sunday, September 22, 2024

  • Model United Nations — CMUNNY

    The Columbia Model United Nations (CMUN) conference is an annual event hosted by the Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA) at Columbia University in New York City. The CMUN conference is one of the largest and most prestigious Model UN conferences in the United States

  • YOUPOWER Spin Class with Grace Brady

    Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app. 

    YouPower Spinning Room

  • Model United Nations Weekly Meeting

    Model United Nations is a dynamic platform that simulates the workings of the United Nations, offering students a unique opportunity to engage in diplomatic discourse, negotiation, and problem-solving. MUN aims to enhance participants’ understanding of global issues, improve their public speaking and negotiation skills, and foster a spirit of collaboration and international cooperation

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room