
MIDDLEBURY, Vt. — The apple cider was crisp like the fall air as hundreds of families descended on Middlebury for a beautiful Fall Family Weekend, October 7–9. The annual event gives families plenty of visiting time, of course, but also a taste of life at Middlebury, both in and out of the classroom. On Friday, many parents and guests attended classes throughout the day.

On Saturday, the athletics complex was buzzing with activity as teams competed on nearly every field. Among the many contests, Middlebury football snapped Amherst College’s 21-game winning streak with a close 27-26 victory.

The College conducted two important academic honors over the weekend. On Friday, the Writing Center awarded the annual Paul Ward Memorial Prize for first-year writing and on Saturday evening, 13 students were inducted into Phi Beta Kappa for work completed through their junior year.


“More than 1,800 parents, siblings, and grandparents joined us for Fall Family Weekend,” said Beth Connor, director of Alumni and Parent Programs. “It’s always a fabulous event—one of my favorites—and this year was no exception. As the parent of two Middlebury young alumni, I know how important it is for parents to see firsthand what their students are experiencing. You can feel the joy and the sense of camaraderie among parents. They are so happy to be here, and we are so happy to share the campus and the College with them.”

Photos by Todd Balfour and Yeager Anderson ’13.5