Middlebury employees have several avenues to resolve conflicts within the workplace.

Civil Rights and Title IX Office

The Civil Rights and Title IX Office is designated by the President of the College to receive and process complaints of harassment brought by Middlebury faculty, staff, and students under Middlebury’s Non-Discrimination Policy


The President of the College appoints ombudspersons each year, to help facilitate employee needs with problems related to employment at Middlebury. They are available at all times. Dealings with ombudspersons are strictly confidential unless an employee agrees to share information in order to resolve a problem. An ombudsperson’s help is prompt, impartial, and confidential. Ombudspersons are trained to:

  • Listen and acknowledge experience.
  • Provide answers to questions or to assist in finding someone who can.
  • Direct employees to resources to understand Middlebury policies and procedures and their application to an individual employee.
  • Provide resources for employees to carry complaints forward to the appropriate party, often Human Resources, Title IX or other institution offices.

Current Ombudspersons

Solon Coburn, Public Safety x5584
Term Ending: June 30, 2025

Dan Celik, Facilities Services x3403
Term Ending: June 30, 2026

Jami Black, Office of Advancement x5614
Term Ending: June 30, 2026

Brent Simons, Dining Services, Ross Commons x5967
Term Ending: June 30, 2026

Charlotte Tate, Rohatyn Center, Robert A. Jones ‘59 House x5795
Term Ending: June 30, 2025

Antonia Losano, Professor of English & American Literatures, x3242
Term ends June 30, 2025

Jonathan Miller-Lane, Professor of Education Studies, x3459
Term ends June 30, 2025

Dollie Pope, Institute Graduate Development & Events, x3545
Term ends June 30, 2027