Parking Information 2024

 Vehicle Registration and Parking Permit: Register your vehicle and purchase a parking permit via the parking portal

Moving in or out:  please remember to unload your belongings and then move your vehicle to your designated student parking lot immediately. This allows others access to unloading areas near the residence halls, helps keep buildings accessible and avoids enforcement action. 

Middlebury College provides sufficient parking on campus. Vehicles should be parked in designated campus parking lots. College policy prohibits students from parking on nearby town streets, roadways, or other private areas.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 802-443-5133 (non-emergency) or 802-443-5911 (campus emergency line).

Click here for summer term Student Parking Information

Click here for summer term Faculty/Staff Parking Information

General Guidelines

Middlebury College Public Safety deals with all parking needs at the Middlebury campus. Permits are required on all vehicles parked on campus. There is a charge for parking permits for students and guests. However, staff and faculty permits are available at no cost.

The College provides parking privileges to all members of the campus community in accordance with the following general guidelines:

  • Peripheral parking for students.
  • Spaces within a 5–7 minute walk for faculty and staff.
  • To keep fire lanes clear at all times.
  • To provide a safe environment by prohibiting parking on sides of roads, walkways and lawns.
  • To administer all parking regulations through fair, direct and unbiased procedures.

Additional Guidelines

  • Students are not allowed to regularly use vehicles registered to Middlebury College employees without registering the vehicle as a student vehicle and paying the appropriate fee.
  • The College does not permit student-aid funds to be used to subsidize motor vehicle expenses.
  • All vehicles must be registered with the Department of Public Safety and display a valid permit.
  • Vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas in accordance with the displayed parking decal and the parking rules. Parking spaces are marked with paint, if there are no painted lines, it is not a parking space. The only exception are gravel parking lots. The parking rules and regulations are in effect at all times throughout the year to include summer, all breaks, weekends and holidays. The person to whom the parking permit is issued shall be responsible for any violations involving the vehicle.
  • The Department of Public Safety has the responsibility of enforcing campus parking regulations on a 24-hour, 365 days a year basis.
  • Middlebury College is not responsible for thefts or damage that may occur to an automobile while parked on campus.
  • Visitors to the campus are expected to park appropriately and are required to have a parking permit if parked overnight. Visitors are considered to be persons (other than current and recent students, staff and faculty) who occasionally visit the campus for pleasure, conferences, or business. Spaces that are designated by Visitor Parking signs are not to be used by faculty, staff or students. Any person operating a vehicle registered to a current Middlebury College student or employee is not eligible for visitor status (see visitor parking).

Driving on Campus

Vehicles operated by students, faculty, and staff may be parked or driven on campus roadways under the provisions of College regulations and Vermont laws relating to motor vehicles.

Violations of motor vehicle laws or College motor vehicle regulations that endanger the safety of others, such as driving on sidewalks or failing to stop at stop signs, are regarded as serious offenses and will not be tolerated. Drivers must be aware of road signs.  Parking on grass, gravel, and sidewalks and driving in the wrong direction are prohibited.  Violations will result in a fine, payment of damages, disciplinary proceedings, and may result in loss of driving and parking privileges at Middlebury College.

Note: Driving while intoxicated is a serious crime and may result in arrest by the local police, a criminal record, and court costs. Student discipline for incidents of DUI are covered in the Student Handbook.

The person to whom the parking permit is issued shall be responsible for any violations involving the vehicle.

Middlebury Town Parking Ordinances

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for enforcing Town of Middlebury parking ordinances in the following areas:

  • Route 30 (South Main Street) between Porter Field Road and the Golf Course Access Road.
  • Hillcrest Road, Adirondack View and Blinn Lane.
  • College Street (Route 125) between Shannon Street and the access to Ridgeline Road.
  • South Street, between Porter Field Road and Porter Hospital
  • Storrs Avenue

Winter Parking Ban

The winter parking ban is in effect from November 1 through April 1 to ensure effective snow removal. The ban is in effect even when there is no snow in the forecast. Please note: The ban may be extended if weather conditions warrant.

During this ban all overnight parking is restricted as follows: Student permits are limited to student lots only. No student parking in F/S lots between the hours of midnight and 5:00 p.m. Vehicles parked in any faculty/staff parking lots after midnight during winter ban may be towed without prior notice. Violators will be charged $150 for the first tow offense and $175 for all subsequent tows.

Faculty/staff permits are restricted to the Mahaney Arts Center and the lot behind Kenyon Arena. 

Notice to early arrivals to Faculty/Staff parking lots during winter ban: Facilities Services administrators have requested that Faculty/Staff lots remain empty from midnight to 7:30 a.m. in order to allow for efficient snow removal during or after a snow storm. Faculty and staff arriving on campus prior to 7:30 a.m. during or immediately after a snow storm will be allowed to park in Faculty/Staff parking lots that have already been plowed.

Visitor parking is restricted to the Mahaney Arts Center visitor areas.

Parking in any other faculty/staff or visitor areas overnight during the winter ban is a violation. Violators of the winter parking ban may be towed and required to pay all fines and fees associated with the tow.

Loading and Unloading

People may contact DPS and request to park near a College building for a brief period of time to load/unload large/heavy items. An explanation of the request, the desired location and vehicle information are required. DPS will determine if the request can be granted and, if so, specify the length of time allowed for this activity.

Lot Closures

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to limit or prevent access to various parking areas. Examples include but are not limited to special or unusual events such as Commencement, Athletic Events and Arrival Centers. Any vehicle remaining in a closed lot is subject to removal at the owner’s expense.

Fire Lanes

Parking in fire lanes is prohibited and will result in enforcement action. Fire lanes include, but are not limited to:

Hepburn Road
Chateau Road/Battell Loop
Adirondack View Road
Area in front of Pearsons Hall
Adirondack Circle

EV charging Stations

There are a limited number of EV charging stations on campus.   EV charging stations can be found in Q lot (Mahaney Arts Center) and N lot (between Hillcrest and Proctor).  The charging stations in Q lot can accommodate 6 vehicles while the one in N lot (Faculty/Staff parking) can accommodate 2 vehicles.  

To see a listing of charging stations in Vermont click here or PlugShare - EV Charging Station Map - Find a place to charge your car!

When utilizing EV charging stations, please follow these etiquette tips to help keep our charging stations efficient, friendly, and accessible for all EV-drivers.

  • The main rule of parking at EV charging stations is that you should only be there when you are plugged in and actively charging your vehicle. Most EV drivers can use built-in apps to send a notification when charging is finished to know when to move. 
  • When you leave a station please make sure the cord is hanging so it doesn’t get dirty or damaged on the ground (especially true in winter when plows may snag cords).
  • If you encounter a malfunctioning charger please call it in to Facility Services and check-in on PlugShare to get the equipment owner notified of the need for repairs and alert other EV drivers. 
  • If a gasoline powered car, also known as an internal combustion engine (ICE) car, is parked in an EV charging station space contact the Department of Public Safety.
  • If you find that a vehicle has been parked in the spot for a long time and the vehicle is no longer charging contact the Department of Public Safety.


Towing and Immobilization Policy

Towing or relocation of a vehicle may happen even if the owner has no previous violations. If you suspect your vehicle has been towed or relocated contact the Department of Public Safety or the Middlebury Police Department. Vehicles are subject to immobilization (boot) and tow for the following reasons:

  • Parking in a handicapped space
  • Loading zone
  • Off pavement or on the lawn
  • Unregistered or parked in the wrong permit area.
  • Parking in areas which create a danger to safety and welfare of persons and property (i.e., fire lanes, service areas, traffic lanes, blocking driveways, parked on sidewalks, etc.)
  • Repeated violations of the parking rules and regulations
  • Abandoned on campus
  • Winter Parking Ban Violation
  • Night Parking Violation
  • Emergency situations.
  • Parking in Faculty/Staff lots between midnight and 5:00 p.m.

When an immobilization device (boot) is on a vehicle, do not attempt to move the vehicle. Contact the Department of Public Safety. Middlebury College accepts no responsibility for damage caused if the vehicle is moved while the immobilization device is in place.

Transportation Information

For Travel and Transportation information click here.

Tri-Valley Transit

Middlebury students, staff, and faculty, with their Middlebury ID, can ride for free on regularly scheduled Tri-Valley Transit buses around town and to the Middlebury College Snow Bowl. You can even bring your bike on board.

Tri-Valley Transit also offers commuter buses to Burlington, Rutland, and neighboring towns. Staff and faculty ride commuter buses (both CCTA and Tri-Valley Transit) for free when they pick up a bus sticker from Human Resources. 

You can check out the map and schedules at, or call (802) 388-2287.

For medical transportation information click here

Motor Vehicle Storage

For students not enrolled in a summer program or working on campus Summer Term 2024 we request that people take their vehicles home.  If people cannot take their vehicles home, they can apply to leave their vehicle on campus by filling out the Summer Term Vehicle Storage Application and Liability Waiver (  If the application is approved the persons account on the parking portal will be set up to allow them to register their vehicle and purchase a parking permit for summer term. The cost of this permit is $115.00. The vehicle will need to be parked in the student spaces within Q lot (MAC).  

The College reserves the right to deny any vehicles due to mechanical conditions such as leaking fluids. 

Any object(s) stored in vehicle must not obstruct operator controls or windows. Any items left in vehicles are left at your own discretion. 

Vehicle owners are advised to provide a car cover for their vehicle, wash their car before storage, fully air up the tires, fill their fuel tank, and add a gasoline preservative to their tank prior to storage. Doing these things ensures your car is ready to operate upon your return to school. 

Parking Areas by Permit

All faculty, staff, and enrolled students (including students living off campus) are eligible to park on the campus. Parking spots are not guaranteed, even if you have registered your vehicle with Public Safety. 

We cannot guarantee parking will be available. A permit is merely permission to park legally in one of the college lots.


For Faculty and Staff 

All faculty and staff members must register their vehicles, display a valid decal, and park in lots designated for faculty/staff parking. Faculty/Staff, blue permit holders, may not park in student, commuter or Language School spaces. Language School Faculty/Staff permit holders may not park in student, commuter or blue permit spaces.

Faculty and staff can register multiple vehicles. We expect that each person will only park one vehicle on campus at a time. The parking lots are not intended for vehicle storage.

Overnight Parking

Faculty and staff who wish to have a vehicle on campus overnight should park it in the visitor section at Q Lot (Mahaney Arts Center).

Faculty and staff leaving a car overnight must be aware of the Winter Parking Ban and should notify the Department of Public Safety that the vehicle will be on campus. Vehicles parked in violation of the College’s parking rules may be towed at the owner’s expense.

St. Mary’s Parking Spaces

The Department of Public Safety issues and manages 20 parking permits for the St. Mary’s parking lot. Faculty and staff with a St. Mary’s parking permit must display the designated hanging tag when parked in this lot. Faculty and staff with this parking permit should not park in any of the other parking spaces on campus unless notified that they cannot park at the St. Mary’s lot due to an event (funeral, wedding, etc.).

Temporary Permit

A temporary faculty/staff permit is available, if necessary. Public Safety staff will designate the faculty/staff parking areas and expiration date. There is no fee for this permit.

Summer Term Parking Information 
May 27 - August 31, 2024

Language School Students, Summer Workers, and Workshop participants

Language School students and Summer Students Workers may only park in the following locations:

  • Q lot (MAC) section posted all sections except those posted faculty/staff parking.
  • T lot (Kenyon) section posted student parking
  • R lot (Ridgeline) all sections except those posted faculty/staff parking.
  • D Lot (Atwater A/B) “S” permit spaces only
  • C Lot (Freeman International Center) “S” permit spaces only
  • E Lot (Wright Theatre) “S” permit spaces only
  • 48 South Street
  • Homer Harris House Lot
  • Jewett Lot

There is no parking in Faculty/staff lots at any time.

Interns Permits

  • Q lot (MAC) section posted all sections except those posted faculty/staff parking.
  • T lot (Kenyon) section posted student parking
  • R lot (Ridgeline) all sections except those posted faculty/staff parking.
  • D Lot (Atwater A/B) “S” permit spaces only
  • C Lot (Freeman International Center) “S” permit spaces only
  • E Lot (Wright Theatre) “S” permit spaces only and Commuter parking. 
  • G Lot (Twilight)
  • S lot (McCardell Bicentennial Hall) spaces that are posted as Commuter Parking or T permit.
  • P lot (Perkins/Longwell)


Academic Year Parking Information September 2024 - May 28, 2025


For Academic Year Students

Restricted Areas

Student permit holders cannot park in the following areas at any time:

  • C Lot (Freeman International Center) faculty/staff spaces
  • M Lot (near Chellis House) faculty/staff spaces
  • N Lot (Proctor) faculty/staff spaces
  • T Lot (Virtue / Nelson) faculty/staff and visitor spaces in front (west side) of these buildings
  • T Lot (Squash) faculty/staff spaces
  • U Lot (Fitness Center) faculty/staff spaces
  • E Lot (Wright Theater) restricted faculty/staff spaces
  • K lot (Robert A. Jones Lot)
  • Adirondack View Road
  • College Park Lot
  • Town streets near the College
  • lawn/grass/gravel areas without permission
  • fire lanes
  • church lot

Overnight Parking

S, E, T, and P permit holders may use non-restricted faculty/staff parking areas on campus between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and midnight Monday through Thursday, and from 5:00 p.m. on Friday until midnight Sunday. This privilege does not apply to the restricted areas noted in the Restricted Areas list or during the Winter Parking Ban.

First Year (U Permit)

The vehicles with a “U” permit can park in the following lots:

  • Q Lot (Mahaney Arts Center) “U” permit spaces only
  • Track Lot - Porter Field Road

First-Year permit holders are not allowed to park in other student lots, Faculty/Staff Lots (including early evenings and weekends), on town streets or other private parking areas near the college at any time.

Second Year (P Permit)

Vehicles with a “P” permit can park in the following lots:

  • Q Lot (Mahaney Arts Center) “P” permit spaces only
  • R Lot (Ridgeline) “P” permit spaces only
  • Track Lot - Porter Field Road

Junior/Senior (S Permit)

Vehicles with a “S” permit can park in the following lots:

  • B Lot (Meeker) S & E permit spaces only
  • C Lot (Freeman International Center) “S” permit spaces only
  • D Lot (Atwater A/B) “S” permit spaces only
  • E Lot (Wright Theatre) “S” permit spaces only
  • R Lot (Ridgeline) “S” permit spaces only
  • Q Lot (Mahaney Arts Center) “S” permit spaces only
  • Track Lot - Porter Field Road

Small Outer House (E Permit)

Vehicles with a “E” permit can park in the following lots:

  • B Lot (Meeker) S & E permit spaces only
  • Jewett House and 105 South Main Lot
  • 48 South Street Lot
  • Weybridge and Homestead House Lot
  • 637 College Street Lot
  • Turner House Lot
  • Homer Harris House Lot
  • R Lot (Ridgeline) S & E permit spaces only
  • Track Lot - Porter Field Road

DO NOT PARK in student sections of C, D, E or Q lots. If your House lot is full, you may park in other Small Outer House lots.

Commuter  (T Permit)

Commuter (T) permits are issued to students living a significant distance from campus. If you are a commuter student and are planning to drive to campus, purchase a permit for the desired period of time according to your class year. Provide your off campus housing information to the Housing Coordinator. After the start of the term, Public Safety will evaluate the off campus housing list provided by the Housing Coordinator and determine if a commuter permit will be issued. There is no additional cost for the issuance of a commuter permit. 

Vehicles with a “T” permit can park in the following lots:

  • E Lot (Wright Theatre) - commuter spaces only - No overnight parking Nov. 1st - Apr. 1st
  • G Lot (Twilight Hall) - No overnight parking
  • P Lot (Between Longwell and Perkins)
  • Q Lot (Mahaney Arts Center) faculty/staff spaces closest to the MAC building only - No overnight parking
  • S Lot (McCardell Bicentennial Hall) commuter spaces only - No overnight parking
  • F Lot (Library Lot) - No weekday parking allowed - Limited hours: 5:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. only
  • Track Lot - Porter Field Road

Temporary Student Parking

The temporary permit is only valid in student parking lots and expires on the date (month, day and year) indicated on the decal. 

  • Special permits for ADA parking and medical situations are also available.


Parking Lots

Sorted alphabetically by location.

Admissions (Emma Willard House) Lot A  Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Allen Hall Lot E Faculty/Staff and Restricted F/S
Atwater Suites Lot D Student S Permit
Centeno House Lot I Faculty/Staff
College Park   Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Mahaney Arts Center Lot Q Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Chellis Lot M Restricted F/S
Coffrin Lot C Faculty/Staff and Restricted F/S; Student S Permit
College Street Lot O Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Dragone Track Track Lot Overflow for student parking
Emma Willard House (Admissions) Lot A Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Farrell House Lot M Restricted F/S
Field House Lot T Faculty/Staff and Visitors; Restricted Students
Fitness Center Lot U Faculty/Staff 
Franklin Environmental Center Lot N Restricted F/S
Freeman International Center Lot C Faculty/Staff and Restricted F/S; Student S Permit
Golf Course   Non designated
Hillcrest Road (tennis courts) Lot L Faculty/Staff
Homestead House Lot X Student E Permit
Johnson Memorial Building Lot E Faculty/Staff and Restricted F/S
Kenyon Arena Lot T Faculty/Staff and Visitors; Restricted Students
Kirk Alumni Center   Non designated
Library (Storrs Avenue) Lot F Faculty/Staff; Student T Permit
Longwell House Lot P Student T Permit
McCardell Bicentennial Hall Lot S Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Meeker House Lot B Students S & E Permits
Town Houses Lot R Student S, P, and E Permits (specific rows)
Old Chapel Road Lot H Faculty/Staff and Visitors
Perkins House Lot P Student T Permit
Proctor Hall Lot N Restricted F/S
Ridgeline Road Lot R Student S, P, and E Permits (specific rows)
Robert A. Jones ’59 House Lot K Restricted F/S
Service Building Lot I Faculty/Staff
Stewart Hall Lot J Faculty/Staff
Twilight Hall Lot G Faculty/Staff and Student T and E Permits (restricted hours)
Weybridge House Lot X Student E Permit
Wright Theatre Lot E Faculty/Staff and Restricted F/S