First@Midd 6.0 student welcome

First@Midd is a pre-orientation program that provides support to incoming students who are the first in their families to attend a four-year college, also known as first-generation student.

A first-generation college student is defined as a student who is the first in their family to attend a four-year college, meaning their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) did not complete a bachelor’s degree. In a broader context, students who are the first in their family to attend a four-year college in the United States can also be considered as first-generation. Being first-generation is a very proud accomplishment!

First@Midd pre-orientation is a 4-day program that focuses on acquainting you with many useful resources and offices at Middlebury, helping you navigate the sometimes complicated social and academic aspects of college life, and connecting you to members of our community who may be key to your success.

First@Midd Pre-Orientation 2024 is from Wednesday, August 28 to Sunday, September 1.

During First@Midd, you will participate in activities, workshops, and educational and social events that will allow you to have fun meeting other students while preparing you for the transition to college life.

Our goal is to help you build community, forge relationships, and learn some skills and strategies that can make your first year successful and enjoyable.

Registration for First@Midd 2024 will remain open until July 15 at 11:59pm EST. 

Register for First@Midd 2024

Frequently Asked Questions


Wednesday, August 28 – Sunday, September 1, 2023


Register here or at REGISTRATION CLOSES ON JULY 15, 2024.


No. First@Midd is a pre-orientation only for students who identify as first-generation, which will take place Wednesday, August 28 to Sunday, September 1, 2023. Orientation is the weeklong orientation for all incoming new students and will take place from Monday, September 2 to Sunday, September 8, 2023. As a participant in First@Midd, you will partake in both and remain on campus during this transition. Here is some general information about orientation. 


Meals will be provided for you through dining services. 

For housing, you will move into your first-year residence hall on August 28. You will only move in once, as this will be your room for the remainder of the year. You will most likely meet your roommate the first day of orientation (September 2) unless your roommate happens to also be in a pre-orientation program.

Please note: You cannot move in earlier than Wednesday, August 28. Due to decreased staffing prior to the start of the program, we cannot make any exceptions to the move-in date and times.


Please visit Middlebury’s orientation page for information about how to get to campus, public transportation, and parking information. 

With notice, we offer free transportation from Amtrak in Port Henry, NY (POH) and Burlington Airport (BTV) to Middlebury on the day of arrival only (August 28) between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Please keep this in mind when making your travel arrangements. We will share shuttle information in July when we send the final RSVP form to all F@M registrants.

Please note: There is no Lyft in Middlebury and although there may be Uber drivers starting to pop up, they are far between and have long waits for accepted rides.



We will have signs directing you towards the Anderson Freeman Resource Center in Carr Hall (452 College Street), which will serve as our welcome center for First@Midd participants. You will pick up your issued ID cards, your room keys, and program materials. You can then move in to your assigned residence halls. 

Please arrive between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on August 28. We cannot accommodate requests earlier than the scheduled move-in date and times.


F@Mily Orientation is on Thursday, August 29, 2024. This is a one-day program 


In the past, we offered orientation sessions for families on the first day of First@Midd. Parents attend the opening dinner on the first night, join students for opening breakfast the next morning, and have a day full of their own sessions that is a condensed version of all the resources and connections that their students get during First@Midd.  Schedules are to be determined.

Family activities are TBD for 2024, but parent schedules will be sent in July when students receive their F@M schedule.


There were options for affordable lodging at Middlebury’s Bread Loaf Campus, since families may not stay in the residence halls with their students. However, in the past few years that has not been feasible. It is highly recommended that parents and families seek out lodging at closer local options such as The Middlebury Inn, The Courtyard by Marriott Middlebury, The Middlebury Sweets Motel, and The Rooms at Stone Mill. Surrounding towns with shorter drives (30 minutes max) to Middlebury that may also have lodging options: Vergennes, VT; Shelburne, VT; Brandon, VT.


Family members are invited to the welcome dinner the afternoon of check-in day and family breakfast the next morning. Families and students are welcome to explore some of the local eateries on their own in town. Find more information about where to eat.

Anderson Freeman Resource Center
Carr Hall
452 College Street
Middlebury, VT 05753