Insurance and Liability Issues
You’ll find information below about insurance and liability issues for Middlebury offices and departments.
If you don’t find your question answered here, or if you need further information, please contact the Business Services Office at 802-443-5504.
Events or Uses of Facilities that Includes Minors
Certificates of insurance evidencing all required coverage must name The President and Fellows of Middlebury College as an additional insured in regard to liability coverage. All applicable coverage must not exclude coverage for claims arising out of sexual molestation allegations, and this coverage must be confirmed within the description section of the required certificate of insurance.
Liquor Liability
Host Liability: Sponsors of events on our property are required to provide Certificates of Insurance, for Host Liquor Liability insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Also, Hold Harmless Agreements may also be required. In addition to Host Liquor Liability Insurance licensed servers of alcohol must have Service Liquor Liability. Depending on the size and nature of the event a higher limit may be required. All State of Vermont Liquor laws and regulations must be observed.
Service Coverage: Any person or company serving alcoholic beverages on premises owned by Middlebury College or at a function sponsored by Middlebury College or its affiliates, whether on our premises or not, must provide evidence both a valid license to serve alcohol and Liquor Liability insurance with a limit of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence. Depending on the size and nature of the event a higher limit may be required. All State of Vermont Liquor laws and regulations must be observed.
Note: All caterers and non-college bartenders must be approved in advance by Middlebury College Dining Service, 802.443.5345. Approval to use a facility for a catered function does not automatically provide approval of your caterer.
Automobile Liability
Insurance should carry limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Hold Harmless Agreements and Review of Risk
A Hold Harmless Agreement can be either additional protection for the College or replace insurance, when and only when insurance coverage is not available. Copies of such agreements are enclosed. It is very important that the person signing the Hold Harmless Agreement understands the risk they are assuming. The College official that is obtaining the agreement must review and document a review of the risk with the contractor.
Hold Harmless Agreements should be on file and, if required, verified with the agent before commencement of the work or event in question.
General Liability
Insurance should carry limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. If the serving of alcohol is involved the minimum amount of general liability is $5,000,000 per occurrence.
Certificates of Insurance
If you are asked to provide a certificate of insurance to a third party, please send an email to Amber Lee with the following information:
- Need for the certificate.
- Formal name of person or organization.
- Mailing address (even if being faxed or emailed).
- Dates of coverage.
- Type of insurance needed.
- Your department and the state you work in.
Middlebury requires Certificate of Insurance from others: All contractors, vendors, event sponsors and caterers (hereafter contractors), regardless of size, volume of work, or length of the contract, must provide Middlebury College with evidence of insurance coverage. Middlebury College must be a named additional insured. At a minimum, evidence of Workers’ Compensation, Auto and General Liability insurance must be provided.
All Certificates should list the College by its full legal name: “The President and Fellows of Middlebury College.” The address is: c/o (care of) Business Services Office, 422 South Main Street, Middlebury, VT 05753. The College should be “a named additional insured;” this provides additional coverage for us including defense costs.
Certificates of insurance must be on file and, if required, verified with the agent before commencement of the work or the event in question.
If Middlebury College is requesting a certificate of insurance, contact Pam Norton or Matt Curran at extension 5504 with the name of the individual/contact person, company name, complete mailing address, telephone and fax number, type of event being held, date of event, and coverage required. Certificates cannot be presented immediately, please allow three days processing time.
If the event is high risk, unusual, or is being held in a new location, contact Pam Norton or Matt Curran in advance to be sure there are no other risk management issues. If a location is used for an event it was not designed for, there may be capacity issues. The room occupancy number when everyone is standing is different than if everyone is sitting. Please contact the Scheduling Office regarding occupancy issues.
How to Review a Certificate of Insurance
Student Vendors
Middlebury College gives approval for student entrepreneurial activities to function on campus. These student-run businesses—student vendors—involve the sale of a product or service solely for students at Middlebury. Review the Student Vendor Authorization Contract for more information.
Umbrella or Excess Coverage
This coverage would only be required on major projects or contracts. Excess coverage provides additional insurance over the first million of General and Auto insurance. Contractors may satisfy the requirements of the $1,000,000 with a combination of underlying and umbrella coverages. Depending on the size or nature of the event or the size of the project a higher limit may be required.
Workers’ Compensation
Insurance must cover all persons working, supervising or otherwise engaged by us, the contractor, or any subcontractor for work performed on our premises or pursuant to contract with us.
Release Forms
Please read the Standard Release Form Instructions.
- Activities General Release
- Facilities Use Release
- Field Trip Release
- Physical Non-Sports Release
- Sports Activities General Release
Property Coverage
Middlebury College provides property coverage only for the assets of Middlebury College. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, guest, volunteers, visitors and vendors are responsible for their own assets.
All personal property, including but not limited to machinery, equipment, tools, supplies, and clothing of the contractor is the responsibility of the contractor and must be insured by them.
Any contractor demonstrating or loaning to the College a product, machinery, equipment or a vehicle should provide evidence of insurance covering damage to and loss or destruction of that property while in our care, custody or control.
All officers and employees must be covered, and the contractor must provide us with a Certificate of Insurance verifying that coverage. If any of the officers of the corporation are exempt from coverage by agreement with the state of Vermont, contractor must provide us with a Hold Harmless Agreement with respect to each exempt officer.
Builders’ Risk
Contractor Liability: The contractor will be responsible for the College’s deductible on this coverage. For buildings valued at $1,000,000 or less, $25,000; for buildings valued at more than $1,000,000, $100,000.
Sole Proprietors and Sole Owners
Coverage for this type of contractor may or may not be available in Vermont. We require, therefore, either a Certificate of Insurance or a statement indicating that there is no coverage, together with a Hold Harmless Agreement indemnifying the College against liability arising out of injury to employees.