Airswimming by Charlotte Jones
Charlotte Jones’ Airswimming follows the story of Dora Kitson and Persephone Baker, two unlikely friends who are confined to life in St. Dymphna’s Hospital for the Criminally Insane beginning in the 1920s. Watch the evolution of their relationship - one of friendship, familial love, and romantic tension - as they cope with the pressure of 50 years of isolation by forming alter egos: bibliophile Dorph and Doris-Day-loving Porph. Kristen Morgenstern and Maggie Blake’s 700 project in acting, Elsa Marrian’s 500 in directing, and August Siegel’s 500 in lighting design, Airswimming will lead you through the laughs and pain of Dora and Persephone’s journey.
Admission $5 via Box Office
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