Proctor Terrace
58 Hepburn Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

Three student dancers standing on red, blue, and yellow question marks

Please join Christal Brown’s Intermediate/Advanced Dance course DANCO360 for curated sight specific dance performances across the Middlebury Campus. This work reflects the students’ study and work over the semester. Watch student choreographed works from Elizabeth Duran, Madeline Elkes, and Kevin Mata. Two other performances will be offered on May 11 and May 12 respectively. Please check the campus calendar for information.

This live, in-person event is open to on- and off-campus audiences. Full vaccinations with boosters (or valid medical or religious exemptions) and masks are required. Read our visitor policy and health and safety info.

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Contact Organizer

ZZ Abbatiello, Michael