Biology Seminar Series- Pascal Losambe '07, Educational Consultant
McCardell Bicentennial Hall 216276 Bicentennial Way
Middlebury, VT 05753 View in Campus Map
Open to the Public
Our Shared Humanity, Belonging and the Brain
Our shared humanity calls for us to live by the golden rule—treat others the way you want to be treated—and by the platinum rule that says to treat people the way they want to be treated. This platinum rule underscores the need for authentic relationships, an open and humble heart in listening and truly hearing what others are going through, and a desire to know how to support others.
This presentation will provide insights into our fundamental human need to belong and explore research that highlights the role of the mind and brain in human socialization and identity formation, which ultimately impacts our sense of belonging.
- Sponsored by:
- Biology
Contact Organizer
Thompson, Missey