Sunderland 110
356 College Street
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

Image of a child and a dog

How might we reorient the practice of architecture to foreground reciprocity, multiplicity, and connection? What kind of future do we want to envision and build toward? And how might we privilege ways of thinking, making, and being other than the dominant forms of colonial practice so entrenched in our discipline?

With these questions as guiding lights, my practice seeks to explore the multiple memories of place, celebrate the imperfections that come with material specificity, and engage architectural ceremonies of connection. It is a practice of dancing with the magic of being here, nurturing community, and investing in our entangled futures. FREE

Co-sponsored by the Cameron Endowment Fund

Sponsored by:
History of Arts and Architecture

Contact Organizer

Davico, Michaela