Open to the Public

Known best for his elaborate installations and fantastical curiosity cabinets, which often merge surprisingly disparate objects classified and arranged as so many incarnations of rare species, Mark Dion’s art questions distinctions between “objective” (“rational”) methods and “subjective” (“irrational”) influences. He returns to campus on the occasion of the Museum exhibition of prints created by the Cameron Family Arts Enrichment Fund and students in Hedya Klein’s Silkscreen and Intaglio classes.

Cosponsored by the Middlebury College Museum of Art, the Program in Studio Art, the Cameron Family Arts Enrichment Fund, the Department of History of Art and Architecture, and the First Year Seminar Program.

Sponsored by:
Museum of Art; Studio Art; History of Arts and Architecture

Contact Organizer

Lane, Mikki
(802) 443 - 2309