
Sarah Elkhayat ‘09.5, M.Ed
Teacher and Incoming Program Director for Practice Makes Perfect

Join us for a lunchtime conversation with Sarah Elkhayat including:
Reflections on teaching experiences since graduation from Middlebury; Teach for America Corps Member; Special Educator for NYC Department of Education and Public Preparatory Network; and Founding 4th-grade Math Teacher for KIPP NYC; Advice on preparing for and entering the teaching profession
Educational start-ups including, Practice Makes Perfect, an organization providing high-quality summer learning opportunities to narrow the achievement gap for youth in high-need communities
Paid Summer Teaching Fellow opportunities with Practice Makes Perfect in New York City this summer!

Lunch provided for first 15 attendees.
Facilitator will be in room from 12:00 pm on and briefly after the event if you can’t attend but want to drop by for a quick chat.

Sponsored by:
Center for Careers & Internships

Contact Organizer

Connor, Rachel