Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753

Closed to the Public

Tragic events in the Middle East have impacted many in the Middlebury community, and raised questions about how we may respond both personally and collectively to global conflict and violence on a college campus. How can we make space for authentic expression of grief, anger, and fear, while not contributing to dehumanization and stereotyping? In facilitated small groups, participants in this community dinner will have a chance to share their experiences, hear the perspectives of other community members, and reflect on our core concerns and sense of purpose. Location: MAC Lower Lobby

All Middlebury College community members are welcome (ID numbers required). RSVP required.

Sponsored by:
President of the College; Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation

Contact Organizer

Stroup, Sarah
(802) 443-2316