McCardell Bicentennial Hall Discovery Court
276 Bicentennial Way
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

Maree ReMalia and her Pittsburgh-based collaborators present Landing/Shifting: Drop In, a series of interactive and participatory installations and performances that invite all members of the community to “drop in.” These events use dance, visual art, sound, and video to explore the ways creative experiences foster resiliency, connectivity, and sustainable well-being. This first event will play with movement scores and installation concepts in conjunction with Katie Martin’s Dance Improvisation class.

Sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Movement Matters, COTA, Director of the Arts Gift Fund, and the Environmental Council of Middlebury College.

Sponsored by:
Environmental Council; Dance; Environmental Studies; Gender, Sexuality, & Fem Studies

Contact Organizer

Bohler, Shannon