Davis Family Library 201- Watson Lecture Hall
110 Storrs Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Attention first-years, sophomores and juniors: learn about fellowships with late fall/ winter deadlines: Beinecke, Critical Language Scholarship (CLS), Goldwater, Pickering, Rangel, Truman, Udall and more. Most of these are only open to sophomores and juniors—but a few are also open to first-years. These are all different, but include awards for graduate study, summer study, and undergraduate study in various fields: science and math; environmental studies; public service; foreign service, humanities, social sciences, study of selected languages. For more info, you can find descriptions at go/fellowships. Questions? Email fellowships@middlebury.edu.

Sponsored by:
Center for Teaching, Learning and Research

Contact Organizer

Norden, Colleen
(802) 443 - 3026