McCullough - Conference Room @ the Grille
14 Old Chapel Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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The Writing and Rhetoric Program is hosting three lunch conversations about teaching writing this fall. You are welcome to join us whether you’re teaching a writing intensive class this semester or not. All lunches are on us! Simply charge them to WRPR at the Grille or Crossroads. We realize that due to teaching schedules, you may need to arrive late or leave early. 

It’s midterms, and we have a sense by now of what is going well in our class and in our students’ writing, and what is not. What are some effective ways to give feedback to students on their writing and ideas, as well as to fine tune the atmosphere and dynamics of the class? How can we tap into the insights and ideas of students to help facilitate these processes and make it a collective effort? Please come with your concerns, questions, and ideas! Facilitated by Catharine Wright, Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric and Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies 

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Writing and Rhetoric Program

Contact Organizer

Wilbur, Tiffany