Hirschfield International Film Series: When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
Virtual Middlebury
Open to the Public
Suppose your country began to change. Suppose that without your noticing it became dangerous for some people to live in your country. Suppose you found that your own father was one of those people. That is what happens to Anna in 1933. Oscar®-winner Caroline Link adapted Judith Kerr’s bestseller When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, a true story about parting, family cohesion, and optimism, for the screen. A Hirschfield International Film Series event. Sponsored by the Holocaust Remembrance Fund. (119 minutes). Free.
The most up-to-date information will be found on our website including the registration links to request tickets: http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/fmmc/hirschfield/2020-2021
- Sponsored by:
- Film & Media Culture
Contact Organizer
Berg, Sheerya
(802) 443-3190