Morse A203
426 Van Buren Street
Monterey, CA 93940
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Closed to the Public

For all International Students & Scholars – from every culture & background – a unique opportunity for creating cross-cultural friendships and building bridges that contribute to making the world a better place.

Learn new vocabulary and practice English. Share cross-cultural foods, join in fun competitive team games. And, discuss lively topics and share your ideas as we learn more about each other, both personally & culturally.

Because there’s no kitchen, bring food ready to serve (no soup or sodas). If there’s not enough time, come anyway without food. As one student shared, “It’s the friendships we feed on!”

Join us and also learn about great outdoor adventures.
Sponsored by International Students Inc, ISI-Monterey,

Sponsored by:
Outside Organizations- MIIS

Contact Organizer

John Steers