Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103
531 College Street
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

This event, led by Chaplain Amir Duric from Syracuse University, will center on questions and education about love, relationships and marriage in Islam. Muslim students continue to grapple with navigating the desire, dynamics and tensions that more intimate relationships pose during their undergraduate years, as well as learning the skills to make successful life-lasting decisions for the years to come. With Chaplain Amir’s years of experience guiding such conversations, we will help students learn more about their needs and goals when it comes to romantic relationships, marital goals, and success in their future relationships.

Amir Duric Biography: Amir Duric is a Social Science Ph.D. student with a background in Muslim community leadership, chaplaincy, and religious studies focusing on Islamic studies and Christian-Muslim relations. He serves as the full-time Muslim Chaplain at Syracuse University, and an On-Call Chaplain at Crouse Health, NYS Office of Mental Health, and Upstate Medical University. Amir’s broad research interest focuses on religious and community organizations’ roles in immigrant and refugee resettlement, religious and spiritual coping, and Muslim students’ experience in higher education. His dissertation research explores the challenges and barriers of Muslim students in higher education in the United States and its correlation to their academic performance and well-being.

Sponsored by:
Charles P. Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life

Contact Organizer

Moeini Meybodi, Zahra M.
(802) 443-5983