McCardell Bicentennial Hall 219
276 Bicentennial Way
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Filmmaker Kristin Canty’s quest to find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of focusing on the source of food safety problems - most often the industrial food chain - policymakers and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive out of business small farms that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions.

watch the trailer!

Sponsored by: the Middlebury College Organic Farm, Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest, the Residential Sustainability Coordinators, and SNG

Sponsored by:
SNG (Sunday Night Group); Environmental Affairs; Campus Sustainability Coordinators; SUNDAY NIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP

Contact Organizer

Middlebury College Organic Farm (Mcof)