Davis Family Library Center for Teaching, Learning and Research
110 Storrs Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Closed to the Public

Image of a man wearing a dark colored tie and white shirt

Join midd.data for a Lightning Talk with David Munro (Economics) either in-person (CTLR, LIB 225) or via Zoom. Register for the in-person lunch or to receive the Zoom link.

The unemployment rate is one of our best economic indicators. Unfortunately, at the U.S. state-level, official unemployment data only begins in 1976, which greatly hampers our ability to study earlier post-war business cycles. In collaborative work with Andrew Fieldhouse, Chris Koch, and Sean Howard ‘19.5, we overcome this limitation by digitizing historical data on unemployment claims from various government reports. We use this new dataset to study various features of post-war recessions.

Register for the in-person lunch or to receive the Zoom link. See more info and updates right here

Co-sponsored by midd.data.

Sponsored by:
Center for Teaching, Learning and Research

Contact Organizer

Norden, Colleen
(802) 443 - 3026