Partisan Political Beliefs and Social Learning
Davis Family Library 105A110 Storrs Road
Middlebury, VT 05753 View in Campus Map
Closed to the Public
Join for a Lightning Talk with Andrea Robbett (Economics). American politics is currently characterized by polarized beliefs about otherwise verifiable realities, a pathology often ascribed to the influence of “echo chambers” on like-minded partisans. We conducted an online experiment to characterize the demand for, and use of, social information about political beliefs. We find that participants are responsive to the cues of both co-partisans and mixed partisan groups, but are less disposed to consult opposing partisans or to follow their beliefs. (Paper joint with Middlebury Professor Peter Matthews and Middlebury alum Lily Colón, Class of 2020.5.)
Please register right here.
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- Center for Teaching, Learning and Research
Contact Organizer
Strube, Jill