Mahaney Arts Center Dance Theatre
72 Porter Field Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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$15 - General Public / $10 - Middlebury Faculty, Staff, Valid ID Holders / $8 -
Open to the Public

Two dancers against a dark background

The Dance Company of Middlebury, directed by Professor Lida Winfield is joined by several special guest artists:
Artistic Director Sydnie L Mosley and six Creative Partners, including alumna Jessica Lee ‘13.
SLMDances is a New York City based dance-theater collective that works in communities to organize for gender and racial justice.
Professor Jeff Buettner’s Sing the World into Place Winter Term course.
Music created by Professor’s McLean Macionis and Matthew Taylor and Lighting design by Bert Crosby.

This original evening of dance and music is centered around the theme of transformation. 

Additional sponsors include: Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation

Sponsored by:
Performing Arts Series; Office of Institutional Diversity Equity & Inclusion; Dance; The Center for Community Engagement; Dance Company of Middlebury; Charles P. Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life; Anderson Freeman Resource Center

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