Wright Theatre
96 Chateau Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

Agnes Evans is an average young woman who wished her life in Athens, Ohio, was less boring. Then, the sudden death of her sister opened the door to a world of adventure. Turns out that her teenage sister Tilly, fascinated with the dark arts – magic, dragons, and silly costumes – led a double life as Tillius the Paladin, Dungeons & Dragons healer of the wounded and the protector of lights! Will Agnes cross the threshold, taking up the challenge to find and free the Lost Soul of Athens before it is devoured by the dark forces of darkness forever? Will she learn the secrets her sister Tilly withheld from the rest of the family? Will Agnes embrace nerds as awesome?!

Directed by Olga Sanchez Saltveit

Tickets: $15 public, $10 Middlebury faculty/staff, alumni, and emeriti; $8 youth; $5 Middlebury College students. Vaccinations and masks required. Additional health and safety information here. Buy tickets online here.

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