McCullough Lawn
14 Old Chapel Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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At the opening and closing of each academic year the Anti-Racist Task Force facilitates a slow walk meditation to embody the journey we take as a community. The slow walk is a way of charting our course, practicing patience, and connecting as a community. This year our slow walk meditations will be help on September 17th and May 13th at 5:30pm. On September 17th participants will meet at Mead Chapel and move towards Old Chapel. On May 13th participants will meet at Old Chapel and move towards Mead Chapel. All are welcome. Rain or shine.

This event will be lead by Christal Brown, the Director of the Middlebury College Anti-Racist Task Force and Alexander Twilight Artist in Residence.

Sponsored by:
Center for Comparative Study of Race & Ethnicity

Contact Organizer

Bohler, Shannon