Mahaney Arts Center 232
72 Porter Field Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Closed to the Public

Poster with text: Auditions, April 12, 6-9pm

The Theatre Department invites ALL STUDENTS to audition for the FAll ‘24 faculty directed production of: King Lear by William Shakespeare. Adapted and directed by Michole Biancosino.
Come to the MAC lobby at 5:45pm to sign up for a slot. We will hear people individually in the order they have signed up. All are requested to have a 45 - 60 second monologue, memorization and preparation are strongly preferred. Please choose a monologue that uses heightened language (for example, Shakespeare or other classical texts).
Please visit go/auditions for more information and links to scripts/monologues. 

Open to Middlebury College students only.

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Contact Organizer

Draper, Alex
(802) 443 - 5806