Axinn Center 104
Old Chapel Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Closed to the Public

Presenter: Nana-Ama Danquah 

In this creative nonfiction workshop we will translate our feelings, our thoughts of despair about what is happening in the world and in our lives right now, into words of witness. We will document our dilemmas, whatever they may be—sleepless nights, the loss of a loved one or pet, challenges with classes or other students, racism, sexism, illness, isolation, fear of an uncertain future. We will craft those emotions and experiences into short forms of poetry, fiction, essay, memoir or hybrid works as a testament to our perseverance and survival.

This workshop has reserved seating for 20 in-person participants. To reserve a spot in this workshop please email Prof. Susan Burch.

Co-sponsored by the Advisory Group on Disability Access and Inclusion, Axinn Center for the Humanities, English Department, Program in American Studies, and the Writing and Rhetoric Program

Sponsored by:
Axinn Center for the Humanities

Contact Organizer

Johnsen, Molly