Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room
148 Hillcrest Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

“Urban Growth and the Contemporary Housing Question: Recovering the Politics of Planning in Germany and the UK” by Professor Ilse Helbrecht, geography, Humboldt University, Germany.

The aim of this presentation is to draw attention to the (re)politicization of planning through land-use, within the context of a contemporary “housing crisis.” Our goal is to set an international academic agenda for better understanding the role of developer contributions for providing neighborhood infrastructure, social housing provision, and ultimately contributing to “social mix.” Put simply, in which regard can developer contributions provide a (tentative) answer to the contemporary Housing Question?

Sponsored by Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest, Departments of Geography and German, European Studies Program

Sponsored by:
Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs

Contact Organizer

Tate, Charlotte
(802) 443-5795