Mahaney Arts Center Seeler Studio Theatre
72 Porter Field Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Open to the Public

By Griselda Gambaro

Directed by Claudio Medeiros

Why do human beings accept, without resistance, abuses against their dignity? Why do we accept authoritarian regimes as normal, or false information as truthful? How many times must the walls fall upon us? A young person is invited to a government building to confirm their identity. The well-appointed room where they have been taken seems innocuous and the host pleasant.  But is that the whole truth? Are they accused of anything? What does their host want from them? When will they be able to go home? In this beautifully balanced, frightening play, Argentinian playwright Griselda Gambaro forces us to ask why we remain passive when systems of victimization use the theatricality of language to subvert the logic of reality and our sense of who we are. A thriller without a single moment of physical violence depicted on stage.

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