Axinn Center 104
Old Chapel Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
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Technology is often cited as one of the key sources of stress in our lives. Our 24/7 always-on culture is powered by the devices in our pockets, and the ability to work from anywhere at any time. This summer we are forming a reading group to learn about how we can use technology and certain techniques to reduce stress. The core text we’ll start with is the classic “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity” by David Allen, which outlines a method for processing and prioritizing all of the various inputs that collectively create stress through what is often referred to as information overload. Daniel Pink, author of “Drive” wrote that “The entire GTD approach has boosted not only my productivity but also my wider well-being”.

The group that forms will then choose a second book based on common interests.

We’ll meet twice during the summer. The meetings will be on Thursday July 16 and Thursday August 27 from 8:30 AM to 10 AM.

If you are available at those times would like to join the group, you can sign up at . We’ll provide you with a free copy of the book for you to keep. Please sign up by May 29.

And for those who can’t make it, you can always find helpful tips on reducing stress on the wellness website, which is at

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Well-Being Committee

Contact Organizer

Jewett, Ellen M.
(802) 443-5626