Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103
531 College Street
Middlebury, VT 05753
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World Camp, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering children and communities around the world through education. The organization carries out its mission through a strong base of motivated interns who commit five weeks to travel and teach in rural primary schools about issues such as HIV/AIDS, environmental conservation, and gender equality. In 2001 World Camp, Inc. began working in Malawi, Africa and has since expanded its outreach to Tela, Honduras and Ahmedabad, India. Since World Camp’s founding, over 300 volunteers have educated nearly 40,000 students on 3 continents. World Camp’s success is built on the collective strength of the volunteers who inspire young people to take an active role in changing their future for the better. A testament to what young people can accomplish and the power of education, World Camp is dedicated to ensuring that every child grows up to live a happy, healthy life.

Sponsored by:
CSO - Career Services Office; Center for Careers & Internships

Contact Organizer

Zz Quesnel, Becky P.