Asset Essentials

Asset Essentials is a cloud-based software that enables Facilities Services to assign and track the progress of all maintenance activities, manage equipment uptime and reliability, increase productivity, and streamline operations.

Asset Essentials Guide

Please review the Asset Essentials Guide before entering a work order. 

Event Equipment

For special events, lectures, and activities, please contact the Event Management Office (x2885) to schedule a location and specify setup requirements and equipment needs.  All set up requirements and equipment needs must be requested and approved by Events Management. 

Bed Raising and Lowering

Custodial Services can assist in adjusting the height of your bed.  We do not have loft kits and cannot loft beds.  Personal lofts are not permitted.  

For assistance submit a service request. Please take note of the following information. 

Custodial will not start adjusting beds until Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

If you live in a double and are requesting your bed to be raised/lowered, please identify which bed needs to be adjusted by leaving a note on the bed.  

Place a sticky note or painter’s tape on the leg of the bed where you would like the bed frame to be raised/lowered.  RA’s have been supplied with painter’s tape.  Please note that we cannot raise the bed to the highest setting on the bed frame.  The bed becomes unstable and results in damaged bed frames and ends.

Clean off your bed and the area around the bed as much as possible to allow our staff to move around the bed as they are adjusting it.

We will attempt to complete the request 2 times, if the above steps are not completed, we will not return to complete the adjustment.

Facilities will leave an orange tag on your door to let you know that we have entered your room to complete the bed adjustment.

Emergency Contact 

In the event of an emergency, call Facilities Services at x5472, Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. 

For after-hours emergencies, contact Public Safety at x5911.