student poster fair
Final project showcase.
classroom lesson
After spending several weeks researching on the History of Colonial Education in Rwanda (the prevalence of colonial legacy in the current education system and its implications), Francoise presenting her findings to about 400 students in their individual classes at Nu-Vision High school. She challenged them to re-think their education experiences after what they learned. Here she is presenting to a class. 
students working on final presentation
After her presentations, Francoise challenged students to think about their role in re-thinking colonial education and worked with them in groups to design projects based on what that stood out to them from her research. Here is a group brainstorming ideas.
Francoise Working on Poster
Francoise helping students work on their posters for the school’s Project Fair.
Poster Fair
Student groups presented their projects at a poster fair to collect feedback in preparation for the final presentation day. Students, teachers, school administrators and staff all showed up curious to see what was going on.  
Francoise with Students
“I wanted the students to see stories of young people who look like them and are making huge positive impacts across Africa. I think for most students this was a major highlight as they exclaimed in awe about what they were reading or when someone was sharing those stories.” - Francoise Niyigena ‘21