student doing embroidery
Student working on embroidery project for Lab class on the Bayeux Tapestry
Students participate in a parchment making workshop.
Students participate in a parchment making workshop.
Woman stands over printing press machine within a wooden cabin
Students working at the Letterpress Cabin at Bread Loaf School of English
group photo with flowers
Group photo with students from hair work Lab
Students engage and lift up the pieces of art from the table.
A class visit to special collections 
A teacher points to an art piece as student look upon it
History of Art class working with objects at the Middlebury Art Museum
Student working with community member
Community Engaged Learning
man in a classroom full of people leans forward in a stance while in acting class
Working with the Bread Loaf Acting Ensemble in class 
students working in class with actors
Working with “Beyond the Page” acting ensemble in class