"Christmas in the South" house
Winner of “Best Overall” by a department/team and “People’s Choice” category: “Christmas in the South” house by Custodial Team 7
Alumni Stadium house
Winner of the Middlebury Spirit category – “Alumni Stadium” by Amy Moody & Missy Thompson
"Warm and Fuzzy" house
Winner of “Most Creative” by an individual category: Warm and Fuzzy by Kelly Norris
Old World Nordic House
Winner of “Best Overall” category by an individual: “Old World Nordic” by Starrin Ricupero
Stranger Things
Winner of “Most Creative” by a department/team: “The Upside Down” Stranger Things house by the Innovation Hub
Breadloaf Facilities house
Gingerbread house by the Facilities department/team
Counseling house
Gingerbread house by the Counseling department/team
Health Services house
Gingerbread house by the Health Services department/team
Academic Affairs Team
Gingerbread house by the Academic Affairs department/team
Kitchel house
Gingerbread house by the CCI department/team
Marble Works House
Gingerbread house by the Human Resources department/team
Twilight Hall House
Twilight Hall House