Sam Rothberg
Counseling-Centeno House 003
(802) 443-5141

My name is Sam and I use she/her pronouns. I identify as a white woman, and grew up in the Jewish tradition. Judaism remains an important part of my identity. I’m originally from Denver, Colorado and arrived in Vermont in 2009 to study environmental studies and food systems at UVM. I moved away to live in California and Oregon for some time, but returned to Vermont in 2021 to begin a master of science in counseling program at UVM. I graduated from the program in August 2023. Before returning to school, I worked in agriculture on organic diversified farms and plant nursery operations. I’ve worked in the local food non-profit sector of Vermont as well. Prior to deciding to go back to school for my masters, I was working in a beautiful garden, delving into a deeper education in yoga and living in Portland, Oregon. During the 2022-2023 school year, I was lucky enough to join the Middlebury Counseling Center team as a graduate intern. I joined Middlebury in October of 2023 as the post-masters clinician and am happy to have returned to campus to support students’ mental health. My interests are varied but I take a person-centered, strengths-based, feminist approach to my work with clients. I’m interested in establishing a relationship of trust with clients through which I can support them in their self-exploration. I’m interested in centering client’s identities in the context of our society and culture, and helping clients explore what their identities mean to them. When I’m not engaged in counseling work, I enjoy spending as much time as I can outside skiing, biking, hiking or walking with friends and my four-legged best friend, Oliver. Yoga, meditation, and continuous self-exploration are also very important to me.