Students gather in the Hathaway House meditation room.

Below you’ll find various opportunities for practicing mindfulness and meditation on campus.

Wednesday Wisdom for These Days

Every Wednesday from 12:00-12:30 pm.  Please join Dean of Spiritual & Religious Life Mark Orten for a half-hour of quiet contemplation with reading and music for our times. Intentional silence and guided meditation will be interspersed with music and readings from secular worldviews and sacred traditions to open our awareness and to find strength and perspective for living during pandemical, political, racial, ecological and other upheavals. Until gatherings can be held live, connect each Wednesday by Zoom. Enter password “wisdom” when prompted. All are welcome.

Prajna Meditation Group

Prajna is a student organization for anyone interested in meditation, from a variety of traditions. Students who have meditation experience, as well as those who are just curious, are always welcome. Email for information about the upcoming year. 

Walking Meditation at the Labyrinth

The Labyrinth at The Knoll is open any time. This labyrinth is a 2017 collaboration between the Scott Center and The Knoll to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the organic garden at Middlebury.

Meditation Spaces on Campus

There are several quiet spots for meditation on campus, as well as the natural environment that surrounds us.