What an amazing Reunion 2024!

0s and 5s, save the date for 2025: Reunion takes place June 6–8 (June 5 for 25th and 50th reunion classes).

See Reunion Photos

Convocation 2024

Live Storytelling

Conversation with President Laurie Patton

T Cooper ’94 Alumni Achievement Award talk

Convocation parade at Reunion, with banners from classes between 2019-1994 visible

Join us in securing Middlebury's future.

Please consider a gift to Middlebury in honor of all the College has meant in your lives—and to empower today’s students. Reunion alumni help to provide the distinctive elements of a Middlebury education.  

Make a Gift

FYI: Midd Alerts

Middlebury will expand its campus emergency alert system to include Reunion guests over the weekend.  In the case of emergency, notifications via texts, calls, and emails will be sent, based on registration info collected.

Learn more about our emergency response procedures.