74 Items

  1. FacultyFall 2020StaffStudents

    Student Arrival Test Results

    | by Mark Peluso and Derek Doucet

    We are writing to share the results of our most recent COVID-19 tests of students arriving on campus August 28 and 29. Of the 1,109 students tested, there were zero positive results; 1,103 tests were negative; and six individuals will be retested due to insufficient samples. We also received 26 additional results from retesting, and all were negative.

  2. Fall 2020

    Community Standards

    | by Derek Doucet

    With students beginning to return to the Middlebury College campus, I would like to share our plans for encouraging positive student conduct and responding to community concerns over possible violations of our COVID-related conduct policies. Our plan features both proactive and reactive components. It both supports positive student behavior and addresses conduct violations when they occur.

  3. Fall 2020Students

    Student Health-Check App

    | by Derek Doucet, Mark Peluso, and Jennifer Kazmierczak

    I’m writing with information about our new mandated health-screening mobile app called PolicyPath, which is available to download today. The state of Vermont requires health screenings prior to arrival as well as on a daily basis, and Middlebury requires all students living on campus—or commuting to classes from the surrounding area—to use this app every day. The app is part of the Student Health Pledge that every student must sign before starting the fall semester at Middlebury.

  4. Fall 2020Students

    Weekly Update: Prearrival and Move-in Procedures

    | by Derek Doucet

    As we prepare for the reopening of our Vermont campus in August, I write to share some essential information about what students need to do to prepare and what they can expect when they arrive. While most of the information in this Weekly Update applies to students, it is important that our entire community understands some of the protocols and procedures we have in place for travel, testing, quarantine, and move-in. 

  5. Fall 2020FacultyStaffStudents

    Weekly Update: Return to Campus Guide and Website

    | by Derek Doucet, Sujata Moorti, and Karen Miller

    We are writing to inform you that the Middlebury 2020-21 website, which provides detailed descriptions of our phased return to the Vermont campus, is now live. As we prepare to bring our community together again during this unusual time, we continue to monitor conditions across the nation and locally, and we will adjust the website’s content as needed. It is crucial that each and every member of our community be prepared for a very different fall semester and year ahead. This website will be an essential resource.

  6. FacultyFall 2020StaffStudents

    Weekly Update: Return to Campus Guide and Website

    | by Derek Doucet, Sujata Moorti, and Karen Miller

    We are writing to inform you that the Middlebury 2020-21 website, which provides detailed descriptions of our phased return to the Vermont campus, is now live. As we prepare to bring our community together again during this unusual time, we continue to monitor conditions across the nation and locally, and we will adjust the website’s content as needed. It is crucial that each and every member of our community be prepared for a very different fall semester and year ahead. This website will be an essential resource.